
Friday, May 6, 2011

Hand Me Down Updated

Take one old vase you got from your Grammyma
This had been in my granmas house FOREVER and I always loved it one day she gave it to me.
But it's colors were a little old fashioned.
So take one can of heirloom white spray paint...

Ta Da! <3

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A little about Upcycled

" You can stay the same, not lose anything, but never know what there was to be gained. Or you can RISK, guaranteeing some loss, and yet gain more than you knew was possible." -author unknown

I really do take the furniture I re-sand, re-paint, re-stain, re-cover and sometimes even re-sale seriously. There is no ugly furniture. You can make it into something beautiful with [most of the time] just a coat of spray paint!
                  (My name is Rayna and I am a spray-paint-oholic)

OK I'll admit that painting does have some risk... But going back with the quote. I will say that I have never regretted painting a piece of furniture natural wood or not.  And it's a friggen coat of paint if you don't like it re-paint it. $25.00 later you'll have a piece you love and that makes everything worth it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Silverware tray turned make up organizer

I had a old silverware tray from our first silverware set. But it continuously fell apart till my hubby said the hell with it and bought a new one.

          But I LOVED the red wood and thought I could make use of it some how. One day while trying to find a certain eye shadow pencil I got a great idea.

I stock up on fabric when I'm at Ikea. I love all of their unique designs. So I took some fabric, a staple and the broken silverware tray.
And decided which way I wanted it. But it also had it's own problem. The wood is thin if you don't staple it right the staple goes straight through and messes up the project or create safety issues. (so far I was lucky and do not see any Tetanus shots in the near future.)

So here it is in it's finished glory! Holds together well and looks nice. Its a shame to have to cover up the pictures in make up but heres another view.

Sorry for the quality being so terrible. I used my husbands Nintendo DS.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Laptop re-do

Take one ugly beat up laptop (seriously my husband took it too Iraq and back, got made and broke the disk drive out of it and the kids ripped the keys off the keyboard)  Add fabric and ribbon and fall in love!

                                      I need to start taking before pictures...

It's not finished just yet either I ran out of glue but you get the idea :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chair Fabric

Remember the fabric from that kids roomish chair?

When I took the fabric back off of it it was still in great condition so I kept it. And when a friends baby shower came a long I knew exactly what to make her!

In the words of WALL-E
                                            "TA DA!"

I was on a role so I made 3 of them!
                       I'm going to start making these they are really fun and easy and a nice little way to stay busy!

If ANYONE wants one let me know I will get girly fabrics to.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


  Kind of yucky ( my kids choice of words to decribe this chair )

      I took a risk and pulled this chair off the curb. I wish I had a before from when I spray painted the frame. OK OK I'm getting ahead of myself...

Breath...OK from the beginning.
   It all started when I bought a dining room table from Walmart aka Wally world to my family. It was from the Better Homes and Gardens section and the table was is beautiful.

                                     How ever the chairs that went to it...Not so much.

So the game plan began to look for new chairs which I didn't want to spend much money on.                         
                                        To Fort Stewart's trash day curbs I go!
This is where the chair in question comes to play. There it was sitting there looking like it had seen better days [ way better days ]. It was stained, looked like it had been left outside and a dog or something had chewed the legs. (it was ugly)

So the first time I upcycled it. Within 20 minutes of having it in my house it was hosed down and the seat was taken off to be steam cleaned. An hour later sanding was done and a coat of black pray paint was on. The seat was easily recovered with fabric I had around to make a child's blanket. The chair looked like this. 

Better yes but still not what I wanted it looked a little kids roomish
(I know it's not a word but it sounds fitting )

                                       So off to my fav home improvement store! One can of spray paint and a purchase of fabric later it now looks like this.

And it has since been sanded again and made to look antique! 
                                                                   (I will post a picture when I find my camera and please disregard the grocery's in the background)

                                             Welcome to Upcyled